This Friday we finished renovating and I think I'll post some pics of the ``new`` house
I'm really happy cuz me and my mom were very tired all the time
we had to clean up...and bla bla bla:))
So, we celebrated and went out .We went and ate pizza at Polus Center.
and went looking for some new carpets for the living room and the dining room...
but we didn't have any luck.We're still looking for the ideal carpets:))
yummy for mu tummy!(I was explaining something to my brother...I think:)) )
My mom wanted to take some photos of me and I was fooling around
on the streets.
So what I wore:
New Yorker blue blouse,
Vero Moda Blazer,
Vero Moda jeans,
Converse Sneakers^^
So today's the day of Romania !!(Happy Birthday)
And tonight will be fireworks^^
So i can't wait for them to start because it's gonna be fun.
By the way i'm really happy because my blog is working now
(it didn't work at all this week)
I think it's kinda ok...i mean i wouldn't had time to post because we renovated a bit our livingroom, the guests room and the hall
Next weekend we'll renovate the chitcken and then we'll buy some pieces of furniture to place in the livingroom.
Of course at school is hard too and i'm so tired at the end of the day that i just go in bed and sleep!:))No time for my blog unfortunately:(
Early morning..still sleepy.
What i wore was:
Zara leggings, Zara Pullover, Sisley boots
Really comfortable and chick i could say^^
So now that it's autumn it's kinda cold and rainy
but today was sunny and hot^^
i went out of town thie weekend...with my family to celebrate!
my mom and my dad have 17 years since they got married!
Happy Birthday mom and dad!
Sisley boots[adore them]
Second Hand Leggings
Zara shirt!
(ugly face=D)
My name is Bond...James Bond:))